Times Up!

I’ve been finding it hard lately to put my thoughts into words. But I thought a quick post on some different feelings and thoughts might help clear my mind and help with my writing.

You know the other day, about 7 cats/kittens where dropped off at the shelter. The shelter that is already full and no room as it. So of course this meant 7 cat kennels needed to be emptied to make room for the 7 new crates of animals waiting for a spot. Most of us have a hard time picking who should stay and who should go. They all were friends and so nice, some just babies, some just scared. Usually we look for the sick ones, they would just infect the rest with URI or any of disease they might be carrying. But this day, there was no sick ones, and those that were, we had bonded and were trying to save. It is one of the hardest things to do, how do you choose which cat has more priority over the next, who deserves to live? They all do, but there no room, and maybe it is better there last days were spent in a warm blanket with food and water, and someone to snuggle them and love them for the little time they had left. It’s not like this is new. It happens everyday! Everyday someone dies to make room for the next. It’s a sad cycle really.

When I walk into the receiving area, I feel like my life is just on repeat, vaccinate everyone new…. it seems like every time I go in there, they all are new! Like didn’t I just do this yesterday? Yes, yes I did, but yes that’s right, all those other cats came, and needed to make room. 

I don’t really understand how the no kill revolution is suppose to work? What do you do with all these animals? Especially during low adoption peaks, and high in take peaks. Where do they all go? Yes, I would love to see no kill happen, but with the amount of homeless animals out there now, how is it possible! Or is it, you send them to another shelter, and they do that for you? We do send animals to other shelters, after awhile I wonder if people ever inquire about them? Who knows, maybe it will happen, and I  will just have to sit back and wait for it to happen. In the meantime people will drop off there pets, and my life will continue on repeat until that day.

When people say they have a hard job, it makes me laugh. You have a hard job? I just had to pick animals to die? But you have a hard job? Until you have watch little kittens have to be euthanized, who life has just begun, they didn’t stand a chance. Until you witness what man has done to his best friend. I refuse to think anyone has a harder job then those who work in an animal shelter. But yes we do it, because we love them, and will do what we need to, to keep them safe, even if safe means they will be sent to heaven at the end of the day.

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